
  D. W.   M O F F E T

  Wyatt, played with tremendous relish by D.W. Moffet, wants to marry Myra not because he loves her but because he hopes it will advance his political career. Wyatt the uranium heir, is a man who seems to exude 50's optimism, the belief in the powers of science and the inevitable ascent of the United States from every pore of his well-oiled skin.

Moffet says that for his character, "Howard Hughes was a good place to start. He had that kind of certainty, which I try to show physically. And I try to make him as charming as possible because the audience must be interested in what life would be like for Myra with me, instead of dismissing the possibility as ludicrous. It would have been so easy to make this guy a rich fop."

Moffet did a lot of research into the extent of occult practices in Los Angeles in the post-war period. He sees the Museum of Atomic science built by Wyatt, as a temple to power. And for Wyatt, Myra is another cog in the machine that will enable him to harness yet more power. To other people this might seem evil, but to Wyatt it doesn't.

Everyone in this movie, except Ross, thinks they understand magic, says Moffet, "Myra, Doc, Wyatt, the Magician, Tojola - they all have a world view that encompasses magic, but Wyatt's is a black one."

D.W Moffet is perhaps best known as the ruggedly handsome leading man in TV films such as "Passion for Justice" with Jane Seymour, and Danielle Steel's "Fine Things".

Moffet came to acting through theatre in Chicago with the company he started, Remains Theatre. After he moved to New York, he starred in the TV series "The Oldest Rookie", which he followed with numerous roles in TV movies and mini-series and in films such as "Black Widow" and "Falling Down".



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